Anshuma Singh
Ms.Anshuma Singh a prominent social activist working on crucial economic issues effecting underprivileged women, children, farmers, labourers facing injustice in India. A great teacher, mentor, Guide of many isolated and destitute women and children. Care Trust and Jal Thal Vayu Foundation are privileged to have Ms Anshuma as a Director on Board. Solution and Goal oriented approach towards people and resources supports her endeavour in promoting responsible and sustainable lifestyle. She advocates for “responsible consumerism” and supports UN’s climate agenda. MBA by qualification she voices for Affordable, scalable solutions that are now available to enable communities to leapfrog to cleaner, more resilient ecosystem. She is actively engaged in managing the affairs of Care Trust- NGO and comes with an exposure of more than 8 years in the corporate world. She has an inbuilt flair for teaching and mentoring. She plays a vital role in formulating business strategies and effective implementation of the same. She is responsible for the expansion and overall management of the business of the company. Her leadership abilities have been instrumental in leading the core objectives of the organization.