By Donating you can lessen women plight
In order to create a congenial environment for the women across boundaries of financial status, race, caste, or any other curtailment; For Me Care in association with Care Trust gambits to provide every woman with appropriate and essential menstrual facilities irrespective of any distinction. By contributing only Rs. 35 per month, you can nurture a woman’s menstrual cycle and help in providing the underprivileged with their basic right to health and hygiene. These Rs.35 will be utilized to provide underprivileged women with basic sanitary material every month. Your contribution of only Rs.35 can adorn a woman’s entire week of pain and discomfort. We live our life as a reactionary rather than an activator of change and anyways the change we’re looking forward to is for the betterment of the quality of living for everyone with the fulfillment of their basic rights and necessities.